How's the weather over there?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Those 5ive Weird Things...

...about you, care of catigerz.

In no particular order and with no real explanation for any of it:

  1. You sleep on the floor.

  2. You're mostly right handed, but you eat left handed.

  3. If you see a movie that moves you, a movie that is really really good, like Whalerider you can't bring yourself to watch it again for a long time.

  4. You have pointy ears too. Kids used to call you "Spock" in elementary school.

  5. You have an inferiority complex about your intelligence.

greel08, Bobby Drake, you're it.


  • That's weird about the eating left handed thing. I know a guy that turns ass-handed after a few beers and a shot of Vodka.

    By Blogger Stone Grody, at 3:52 PM  

  • Dude, that's frickin' gross...

    Thanks for participating DP! Did anyone notice that the only person who didn't bother to play is/was greel08......what a lame-o, big BOO!!!
    He better watch out or I'll post his weird things for him.....really embarrassingly weird things...hehehehe

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:56 PM  

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